The Pyramid of Khufu is a StarGate
A Stargate is an Einstein–Rosen dimensional portal device within the Stargate universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations. At Giz...
Give your brief definition of consciousness
Consciousness includes MetaPhysics Quantum, Sacred, Innovation Awake, Genius and Spirituality Authentic. Here evolution overwrites convention and derailment. Re...
Spirituality Culture in the West often pays minimum lip service to Activism
Our capacity and resource is within deep and genuine spirituality. A genuine spiritual existence. It is not a ‘thing’ of entitlement .
We started 1 January 2024 with emergency Prayers of Peace- Imagine One Earth Non-Profit
We started 1 January 2024 with emergency Prayers of Peace for Japan. What was regarded as a temporary non-profit community project has progressed as four free...
Since 1999, Pilgrimages, Retreats, and Schools have platformed new-era consciousness with ancient history and prophecy to awaken evolution
Ash is Visionary
Mystic, Healer, Time-keeper and Gate-keeper leading New Earth Awakening. She lives in the temple of Medinet Habu, in the magnificence of ancient Egypt with her Siberian Husky, Anubis Bowie. Her mission protects and guides humanity during the most turbulent times of spiritual warfare against innocence and evolution. A visionary that merges ancient history and consciousness. A revolutionary that suggests the cradle of ancient civilization (particularly ancient Egypt) was built to preserve future human evolution and soul beyond trans-humanism and dystopias.
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