Tracey Ash

About Tracey Ash

About Tracey Ash

Ash was invited to the United Nations in 2018. Since 1999 she has dedicated to her global mission to consciousness and building new humanity foundations. Ash is dedicated to personal and collective evolution in a trail-blazing legacy of ancient gateways retreats, international schools and educational events. Only in working together in new ways beyond wounds can we achieve dream, prophesy, and build new gateways and timelines previously not possible. A 25,765 YEARS AXIAL RETURN OF RA where ways are deeply honored and respected. What will take place is a revolution and restoration of ancient wisdoms and star peoples that cradles all of humanity.

Ash holds a global vision of synchronized communities to further progress and protect the sacred gateways of a new humanity enshrined in union with creation and universal intelligence that serves another level of encryption and protection of sovereign humanity through our ancient waters, ancient lands, ancient souls, and star peoples. This is where the gatekeepers, woundweavers, and visionaries are being called to cooperate. She has known this way since childhood.

Since 1998 Ash has received messages from the gods that protect humanity and earth. Research partnerships include The College of Psychic Studies, Emoto, Psi Science Institute Japan. In 2018, Ash was invited to the United Nations for her international fieldwork on contact and metaphysics. Ash is recognised for evidence-based phenomenon including contact and PSI abilities and is an Honorary Member of PSI Japan Institute.

Partnership Events & Projects

El Bawaba, Imagine One Earth, Hotels Made With Love, SJ, World Water Festival, Emoto, Thrive, SONY, Dr Bruce Lipton, Iyashi Fair Japan, Voice, Natural Spirit, Synchronicity Japan, Conscious Life Expo, New Living Expo, El Aura, Mominoki House, London WellBeing Festival, New Life Expo, Findhorn, Natural Spirit, Channel Four, Kindred Spirit, Tokyo Sports News, Dr Linda Backman, Anemone Magazine, Unity Rising.

Fieldwork and Timeline Missions at Ancient GateWays Include:

  • Egypt- subterranean temple complexes, The Great Pyramids & Osirion Shafts, The Pyramids Field, Karnak & Luxor temple complexes, the Theban Necropolis, Denderah, and Upper Egypt. Egypt enshrines forbidden archive on sacred evolution, cosmology and earth.
  • Stonehenge/Glastonbury and Crop Circles
  • Mount Fuji and the Four Directions of Ancient Japan
  • Mount Shasta- the visit of the gods was filmed and Ash was invited to the United Nations in 2018.
  • Uluru, Cave Hill, Katajuta brought more messages of the Gods.

Ash's Missions that restore consciousness, organic timelines and sacred gateways, awakening, and the protection of free will, human intelligence and spiritual gifts. Missions tackle Human Value and Healing, International World Peace, Palestine, Islamophobia, Cultural Elitism, Social and Economic Inequality.

During the nineties Ash trained at The College of Psychic Studies, where she was mentored by President Suzanna McInnerry, and the finest channels, mediums and healers of last century. Ash is extensively trained and initiated in master metaphysics and mysticism. Ash has early childhood memories of advanced spiritual abilities and experiences of prophesy and contact. She knew the details of her future to come. Her signature sessions are known for mega-truth, identification of destiny and sacred contracts, innovation, and soul transformation.

1999- Ash has worked with giants of our community and industry, regarded as one of the finest new era consciousness and Ancient Egypt specialists. Ash is in constant retreat in Ancient Egypt and continuous international spiritual service sharing the messages of the gods and new spirituality wisdom teachings. Ash is called by sacred gateways and her community is prepared and mobilized for training, initiation, and direct contact with the gods. Ash is dedicated to transforming convention to unleash innovation, genius, and miracle life transformation.

Ash and her community honours the profound force and healing of all nature, God’s miracles and universe. The force and intelligence of earth and nature is revolutionary in protecting health and life force, psychology and intelligence, soul and spiritual awakening beyond imposed conventional models and systems. Since 1998 Ash and her communities have received messages from the gods that protect humanity and earth.

Genres include:

  • RA Mystery School includes new era training and initiation in Celestial Healing, Advanced Psychic School, Soul School, Contact School, Ancient Goddess School, Modern Mystic
  • advanced earth grid, timelines, time cycles, sacred and trans-dimensional gateways
  • ancient Egypt and new era consciousness
  • visionary prophesy and training
  • pineal activation, health restoration, consciousness
  • equality and unity- modern Goddess
  • restoration and ancestral healing and society trauma
  • psychology overhaul and manifestation
  • life style design and innovation
  • love and sacred contracts
  • health review and revolution, work/life balance, medical intuition
  • new psychology models for change-makers and visionaries
  • El Bawaba Retreat-Hotel restoration and awakening retreats and tours for individuals, organizations, and groups.