Tracey Ash

A Visonary Mission of Global Education, Ceremony and Grass Roots Activism by Ash

A Visonary Mission of Global Education, Ceremony and Grass Roots Activism  by Ash

A global vision of synchronized ceremonies and migration of ancient waters is to harmonize, progress and protect the sacred gateways of a new humanity enshrined in union with creation and universal intelligence that serves another level of encryption and protection of sovereign humanity through our ancient waters, ancient lands, ancient souls, and star peoples. This is where the gatekeepers, woundweavers, and visionaries are being called to cooperate. I have known this way since childhood.

Only in working together in new ways beyond wounds can we achieve dream, prophesy, and build new gateways and timelines previously not possible. A 25,765 YEARS AXIAL RETURN OF RA where ways are deeply honored and respected. What will take place is a revolution and restoration of ancient wisdoms and star peoples that cradles all of humanity. I am grateful to you all and welcome visions.

In the pioneering wisdom legacy and legend of Masuru Emoto I know as you all do, his soul guides pioneering water science and consciousness in building the new gateway of humanity and earth. I have worked for many years with Emoto’s beloved assistant and translator, Fukiko Kai. His soul often blesses with us with his visits during my work. It is here, we always meet spirit in water and consciousness.

Seven Time Keepers, Seven GateKeepers. Seven Gateways. Seven Prophesies. Seven Songs, Seven Peace Prayers. Holding the wisdom of every timeline. Holding the wisdom of every life time, the old souls holding the Central Sun on Equinox. These days of the Sun transform humanity in sacred universal rains of magic and divine peace unknown to matrix and shadow man.

There are no known words. For this blessing, healing and protection is destined and borne of sacred. And like all winged souls of the sun, the sacred nations of humanity are also destined to rise. It is in these shadow times, our souls must fly in the central sun whilst standing as a pillars of eternity.

In 2018, I was called to The Great Pyramids. I was given prophesy.

‘When the seven gateways open to and through our central sun, the ascension begins. We enter the precession alignment. Those destined initiate and transcend third and fourth density. We meet the founding nations of humanity, the guardians of humanity, these are our founding mothers and fathers. These angels will return. They live only in sacred universal law. They know jurisdiction of earth is held in the freewill of humanity. By those touched by angels.

The prophesy described how the gathering of gatekeepers of seven gateways of earth would synchronize the opening of an ecosystem at the same time through our central sun. The animals, birds, fish and waters stabilise this ascension cycle to restrict harm of artificial intelligence on the creation and soul.

On 24 January 2024, I climbed down the underground shaft at the Medinet Habu Temple to sacred purify and prepare as the ancients did for ceremonies over thousands of years. This the the oldest predeluvian ancient site in Luxor. Luxor, Thebes or Wast was known as the place of the female one.

It is here as in many of the predeluvian historical sites within our conscious and spiritual communities, that an ecosystem of golden wisdom and intelligence held by ancient gatekeepers, ancient gateways and ancient waters exist. These are the gateways of elusive Goddess. I live on the Medinet Habu Temple where the circles of time travel East and West but always speak of humanity’s creation story, and always speak of the divine female one.

It is here Ash is gatekeeper in Egypt, Luxor, Thebes. Wast (ancient Egyptian is the ‘female one’ is one of the seven gateways of ancient waters that contain the ancient waters library archives of the First Creation Story. The ceremony is held on 21/22 September 2024 on Autumn Equinox, World Peace Day and World Water Festival. A 25,765 YEARS AXIAL RETURN OF RA.