Tracey Ash

Contact and The United Nations Visit 2018

Contact and The United Nations Visit 2018

Messages of The Gods is a sacred, life changing event. Universal intelligence can and will intervene during human and earth crisis. This level of intelligence and contact builds bridges with the star peoples who guide humanity in advanced sciences and architecture, for advanced civilizations. Ash has known in her communications since childhood, this is the only way to save humanity and earth.

In 2018, Ash was invited to the United Nations for her work and research on non-human intelligence after star-fleet contact at MT. Shasta, CA, USA. Since 2011, contact for Ash has increased where communications are synchronised by time, location and physical phenomenon across earth locations when Ash is present. She is custodian of a world-class video and photography library of contact.

‘I have known since childhood that my role is in evolution of humanity. My spiritual guardians and extraterrestrial guides have been active in building my knowledge and spiritual gifts on soul, consciousness, psychology and universal evolution. I hold humanity prophesies of Ancient Egypt in the same way as wisdom traditions elders. I read and travel timelines, identifying and resolving adverse personal and collective history cycles. The role of my spiritual and intra-dimensional guardians is further enhanced with my knowledge of terrestrial and extraterrestrial star-gates and gateways. In personal and collective readings, scans and healings, I alchemise timelines, negative karma and forces. This revolutionises psychology, time and evolution. And animates a universal shield of sacred protection for every human life. Time and wounded psychology can be reset beyond unhealthy systems of power.’

Ash’s unique consciousness capabilities and time technologies transform the power of our prayer, the presence of the winds, the evidence and communication with universal intelligence. Individuals and groups experience materialized contact in star fleets, individual ships, life changing messages from the gods on destiny and fate, and extraordinary spiritual awakening.

Ash was trained at The College of Psychic Studies, London, where her talent was mentored by Suzanna McInnery, President, where she worked 1999-2015.