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Contact School Online, Tokyo Contact School Training, & Miyajima Shrine, Hiroshima, Japan Retreat in English and Japanese

Visionary training, quantum field sensitivity training, soul contact, ancestor contact, gods and goddess contact, physical and non-physical on and off-planet contact. Contact is a sacred experience. Universal intelligence can and will intervene during human and earth crisis. This level of intelligence and contact builds bridges with the star peoples who guided humanity in advanced sciences and architecture, for advanced civilizations. Ash has known communications since childhood, this is the way to protect humanity and earth.

In 2018, Ash was invited to the United Nations for her work and research on extraterrestrial intelligence after a star-fleet was witnessed at MT. SHASTA, CA, USA. Since 2011, contact has evolved where communications are synchronised by time, location and physical phenomenon across earth locations when Ash is present. Ash owns a world-class video and photography library of contact. She since childhood that her role is in evolution of humanity. Her spiritual guardians and extraterrestrial guides have been active in comprehensively building knowledge on soul, consciousness, new psychology and universal evolution. A unique feature is that she is keeper of humanity prophesies in the same way as wisdom traditions. Ash is proficient in reading and travelling timelines, identifying and resolving adverse personal and collective historical cycles. The role of her spiritual and extraterrestrial guardians is further enhanced with knowledge of terrestrial and extraterrestrial star-gates and gateways. In personal and collective readings and healings she actively transmutes timelines, negative karma and forces. This revolutionises psychology, time and evolution. And animates a universal shield of sacred protection for every human life. Time and wounded psychology can be reset beyond unhealthy systems of power. 

Ash’s unique consciousness capabilities and time technologies transform the power of our prayer, the presence of the winds, the evidence and communication with universal intelligence. Individuals and groups experience materialized contact in star fleets, individual ships, life changing messages on destiny and fate, and extraordinary spiritual awakening. 

Each module will be carefully prepared in initiation, activation, contact immersion, recalibration to achieve the highest level of contact. This has impact upon our capability to evolve and influence our families, communities and change within world. Ash will coordinate a strong, protected and united community. This community will generate digital imagery and videography of contact. It is here science and consciousness merge in your quest for truth. We will prepare for CE5. It is important to understand this is not for entertainment but profound proof of life beyond death and intelligent universal life. Progressive sensitivity and consciousness training is essential in breaking timelines and activating gateways of legitimate contact.

There will be visionary training, PSI quantum field sensitivity training, soul contact, ancestor contact, gods and goddess contact, physical and non-physical on and off-planet contact.

Day 1 Wisdom of Atlantis and Stargates A Stargate is an Einstein–Rosen dimensional portal device within the Stargate universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations. At Giza we reference Sirius and Earth not only in the ancient star maps but in the architecture and creation stories written as mythologies and a science of consciousness and incarnation. Stargates transform consciousness and time. We refuse human existence servants and agents of control agendas. NOTE: Coronal Mass Ejections CME affect our biological functions and consciousness functioning progressing ascension, actual events of contact NHI as cosmic grids are activated. A RETURN OF THE GOD June 6, 2024, the moon is 29 days old and is in the New Moon phase of its lunar cycle. It is 0% illuminated Moon phases reveal the passage of time in the night sky. Some nights when we look up at the moon, it is full and bright; sometimes it is just a sliver of silvery light. These changes in appearance are the phases of the moon. As the moon orbits Earth, it cycles through eight distinct phases. The four primary phases of the moon (new moon, first quarter, full moon, last quarter) occur about a week apart, with the full moon its most dazzling stage. Activation and healing with full moon gates Trauma analysis Gentle resetting and transformation (alchemy) and reconstruction Ethical spirituality. Day 2 The architecture of the new psychology - the relationship between ancient Egypt and Jung. Correcting and reconstructing the programming of the wounds encoded in your DNA Inner work, soul work, quantum field and sensitivity training Healing of super-ascension symptoms (headaches, abdominal pain and other body pains associated with dimensional ascension) and protection from negative presence attacks Day 3 Healing and Activation with the New Moon Gate When we receive contact work, our awareness of planetary and environmental issues and custodianship is increased. We need to respect earth more and live in harmony with it. In this way, we will be able to interact with the Earth's ecosystem on a deeper spiritual level and gain wisdom to guide humanity in the right direction. Activation of intelligence at cellular & genetic levels, which was trauma disabled during the Atlantis era. Activation and micro-reading for for each participant. Day 5 Revision of 1-4 The Dendara Zodiac is predicts the fall of the Goddess, Ancient Egypt, and humanity into darkness from its original creation story, and return. The Myth of the Destruction of Mankind is embedded in a larger ritual text, The Book of the Heavenly Cow, from the New Kingdom. The myth concerns the consequence of the end of the direct reign of the gods on earth and the origin of human kingship and of the king’s destiny after death. Hathor is depicted as the House of Horus. The square outline is the base or enclosure wall of the Great Pyramid at Giza. The falcon inside the square is the living (and deceased) pharaoh protected by (the square) four cardinal directions. We are in a sacred time of reset. It is raw and absolute. It is described in prophesies as End Times, New Earth, New Era and The Awakening. The Reset when toxic social, political and economic control structures are exposed and transmuted. These agencies violate human freedom in false information, false histories, and compliance programs of psychologies detrimental to universal laws of spirituality, equality and sovereignty. Since childhood Ash has received prophesies, education, and models for new timelines of soul, consciousness and protected gateways that overwrite ego, control and destruction. Messages from The Gods reveals a unique teacher and profound legacy of important messages for humanity in her journeys of pilgrimage at ancient sites. Ash reveals extraordinary communications and truth on who we are, our history and why we are here. Messages from The Gods is built to solve bigger spirituality and humanity challenges. Ash merges consciousness and ancient history. She urgently calls return to soul for survival and. The Messages from The Gods have always spoken Ancient Egypt is a Predeluvian mega-ark library. Inter-dimensional gateways to ancestors, benevolent gods and star races that guide, serve and protect our human story. This is the architecture of reincarnation and sovereign evolution. The goddess travels us to the First Creation Story. Time, non-human intelligence, reincarnation and mysticism protects our human journey, when we we return to soul. It has been left behind in history and myth for us. It is a revolutionary departure from capitalism, artificial intelligence, and trans-humanism.
Day 1 Initiation of Tutankhamun Initiation of Gold Sekhmet and the Angels [Reviving the Ancient Gates of Central Sun]. Matrix values and ethics are healed through emotional intelligence. We break free from the control of the Matrix, break free from the constraints of human potential, and restore our connection to our ancestors and our love for ourselves. We have a foundation to heal our ancestors, so we can call on them to restore timelines and the stargate of Central Sun. Day 2 Initiations and Activations for Harmony with Central Sun, God and Goddess, and Extraterrestrial Angels Kundalini Activations for Spirituality and consciousness A Stargate is an Einstein–Rosen dimensional portal device within the Stargate universe that allows practical, rapid travel between two distant locations. At Giza we reference Sirius and Earth not only in the ancient star maps but in the architecture and creation stories written as mythologies and a science of consciousness and incarnation. Stargates transform consciousness and time. We refuse human existence servants and agents of control agendas. NOTE: Coronal Mass Ejections CME affect our biological functions and consciousness functioning progressing ascension, actual events of contact NHI as cosmic grids are activated. A RETURN OF THE GODS. Day 3 Day 4 Followup Revision of 1-4
28 & 29 September 2024 Contact School Tokyo Training 5 & 6 October Contact Retreat , Miyajima, Hiroshima, Japan This is a uniquely curated event mindful and sensitive of Hiroshima and World Peace Initiative from this important and iconic gateway for world peace. In order to bring about a peaceful international society without nuclear weapons, and, in so doing, fulfill its role and mission in the world, in late October of 2011, “Plan Formulation Committee” formulated the “Hiroshima for Global Peace”, which concerns itself with a variety of fields, from nuclear weapons abolition processes, to reconstruction and peacebuilding. In October of 2012, the guideline for the advancement of “Hiroshima for Global Peace” Plan was formulated as the instruction of concrete initiatives for the Plan. Hiroshima is one of Japan's most traumatised and subsequently profoundly powerful pro-peace gateways. Since 1999 Ash's global service of pilgrimage working for collective evolution and contact in prayer, healing, awakening, and peace has visited a plethora of ancient gateways. This service initiates and stabilises collective important transformation and awakening embedded in our wounds of history. With this extraordinary level of earth grid activation stunning levels of contact can be witnessed and videographed. This retreat will honour Global Peace with pilgrimage to Miyajima Shrine.
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